
Andrew Bogle
Managing Director, Reva Capital Markets

Margaretta in a word is awesome. I have been fortunate to know her for a number of years and work with her on startups and non-profits. We serve on six advisory boards together and I hear nothing but high praise for her work effort and strong ethics. Margaretta is intelligent and creative. She works hard and smart. She thinks long-term and has an innate ability to execute on near-term projects which will lead to future success. She's a constant learner and reader which leads her to explore and find connections which are pertinent but were not previously thought of by others. When she works on a project, she focuses on it but also allows her mind to think through other permutations about how it could be done. Margaretta doesn't seek the spotlight. She works well with other people and she isn't looking for the limelight.


John Shepherd, PhD
Chief Science Officer, University of Hawai‘i Cancer Center
Co-Founder, AI Precision Health Institute, University of Hawai‘i Cancer Center

Enthusiasm, optimism, insight, and honesty describe my wonderful conversations with Margaretta. We met through a mutual interest in deep learning as applied to medical imaging. There are few people who grasp future trends the way she does. My reading list has also become full of new books on AI and emerging technologies because of her. Margaretta serves on the Advisory Board of the AI Precision Health Institute that I co-founded at the University of Hawai‘i Cancer Center. Cheers Margaretta!


Renato Umeton, Ph.D.
Director, Artificial Intelligence Operations and Data Science Services
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Margaretta's AI in Healthcare newsletter is really a milestone in healthcare AI. It is very useful and I regularly forward her news pieces to other colleagues. She recently covered GPT4DFCI, which is the way my institution provides secure and private access to GPT-4 models to the workforce to explore non-clinical uses. The newsletter reached 20,000+ people and received high engagement across the globe. Margaretta's newsletter is an asset to us all in the healthcare AI ecosystem. Please keep these amazing publications coming Margaretta! Thank you 🙏


Denis Rothman, PhD
AI Ethicist, AI Visionary, AI Innovator
Expert in AI from 4.0 Automation to 5.0 ChatGPT and Google Vertex AI
Author of five books on AI
- Artificial Intelligence by Example
- Hands-On Explainable AI with Python
- Transformers for Natural Language Processing

There are many great people working in AI, however, I deeply admire Margaretta Colangelo. She is one of the greatest pragmatic thinkers of this generation. Margaretta is one of the extremely rare AI experts who writes about real-life AI. She's a no-nonsense AI expert who works, thinks, and writes about pragmatic AI. It's a breath of fresh air every time she expresses herself! I'm an absolute fan! Her articles are a MUST read. Margaretta's pragmaticism and scientific proof of AI innovations are worth the thousands of empty hype messages on social media! Bravo!


Alex Zhavoronkov, PhD
Founder & CEO, Insilico Medicine

I met Margaretta in 2015 and was amazed by her energy and enthusiasm. She's had a very successful 30 year career in IT, and she's also become an investor, industry analyst, technology advisor to several governments, and industry influencer. She is highly ethical, non-compromising, curious, and has a broad social network. I always read her newsletters with great interest. Highly recommended.


Juergen Halt
Director of Research and Development, Tvarit GmbH, (Industrial AI / Industry 4.0), and Lecturer at University of Applied Sciences Ansbach, Germany

Margaretta is a magical genius! I love her work and her positive spirit so much! Margaretta was a guest speaker for my class of 28 master students at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences in Germany. She is an outstanding speaker - this is simply in her DNA. My students were spellbound from the first to the last minute when she presented her lecture about recent advances in AI in healthcare. I am grateful for Margaretta's strong spirit and the concrete action she is taking to preserve our health and improve our lives. She is going the extra mile to reach people all over the world. We look forward to continued collaboration with Margaretta. Cheers from Germany!


Cristobal Thompson
Executive Director, Mexican Association of Pharmaceutical Research Industries

Margaretta is spectacular!!! I admire her deep knowledge about the science and technology ecosystems around the world. If you want to know what is happening in innovation in healthcare Margaretta is the person to follow and contact. She brings everybody to the table and always shares the latest news on what is happening around the world in AI and clinical research. In particular she is driving the information on longevity and all the great milestones that are happening right now. Margaretta's passion for the transformation of healthcare is contagious and I always come out of meetings with her with new ideas. She has been critical in elevating all of this information around Latin America and continuosly supports initiatives with her drive and vision. Thanks for all your support Margaretta!


Tom Green
Founder & Publisher, Asian Robotics Review

If there was a Nobel Prize for excellence in producing and sharing COVID knowledge, Margaretta Colangelo would win it hands down. In fact, Stockholm should probably make note of her just in case. Since January 2020 she has been tirelessly pumping out great medical, scientific, and technical research on COVID-19. The amount, frequency, and quality of data, papers, studies, information, and news coming from Margaretta is nothing short of extraordinary. She’s at her best when illuminating the intersection of AI and COVID. It's fascinating how she takes different threads of research to create an amazing picture of this super-deadly virus in all of its subtle, killing ways and disguises, and how science, like some great global COVID posse, is chasing it down. Collectively, her postings are like a new-age version of Paul de Kruif’s Microbe Hunters - remember that classic book? However, Margaretta’s aren't stories written in hindsight; hers are happening in the here and now, and she takes us along on the hunt. She’s become my go-to source for everything COVID. The work that pours out of her matters a helluva lot to a world scared to death of living in constant fear of plague. She’s amazing. You should check her out.


Alexander Fleming, M.D.
Executive Chairman, Kinexum

In my universe of accomplished colleagues and collaborators, Margaretta Colangelo is a singularity. She brings a combination of insightfulness, thirst for knowledge, creativity, energy, and productivity across multiple domains, which in a single person is rarely equaled. Margaretta was an early mover in applying computer technology to enterprise and life sciences. She continues as an authoritative and very articulate voice in the application of machine learning in multiple fields. Margaretta has long been a proponent of and catalyst in the field of aging biology and increasing healthspan. During the Pandemic, she became one of the most prolific and trusted writers on the multifaceted subject of COVID. Margaretta is not just a leader, a technology genius, strategic thinker, internationalist, and gifted writer, she is a humanitarian. She seeks a better world and energetically and creatively works for it across every time zone. Margaretta takes a special interest in helping young people early in their careers. She is genuinely warm, engaging, and energizing. I am among countless people who have greatly benefitted from Margaretta’s astute coaching and encouragement.


Young Ahn, MD, FASA
Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Jiahui Health, Shanghai

Margaretta was by far one of the most informative and credible posters of information during the pandemic. She is always a consistent and quality resource and has probably saved quite a few illnesses and lives with her data driven posts. I look forward to her work even beyond the COVID pandemic!


Amr Abdullah Baabood
CEO, The OITE Group & Arabian Research Bureau, Sultanate of Oman

I'm always amazed by Margareta's professionalism and compassion. She is definitely a force of good in this world and she's leading the way in finding innovative solutions to our most urgent challenges. She is a true expert and we have so much to learn from her especially about how AI will transform the healthcare industry here in Oman. Looking forward to working with her again very soon.


Sadiq Khan
COO, The OITE Group & Arabian Research Bureau, Sultanate of Oman

Thank you Margaretta Colangelo. You are an awesome chairperson, speaker, and influencer. Your knowledge and exposure is an institution itself for AI in Healthcare. We are fortunate enough to have you as chairperson.


Sergio Ruiz
Managing Director, Methuselah Fund

Margaretta and I met at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging and instantly connected on our visions for living healthier and longer lives. We are both passionate about translating scientific breakthroughs into the clinic and we understand that healthy longevity is now more of an engineering challenge than it ever was. We both agree that more needs to be done in the way of educating the general public on the promise brought forth by living longer and more enjoyable lives. I will always remember something profound Margaretta said to me. She said "When I hear people say that they wouldn't want to live longer, I always think that their perspective would change very quickly if they faced a life-threatening event". Needless to say, all those who meet Margaretta are immediately refreshed by her lively and positive outlook on life because she truly enjoys life. I am proud to say I understand that feeling.


Rajkumar Prasad
Expert from India, UN e-Government Survey

Margaretta understands and values humanity. She puts humanity before money. She is one of best people I know. We have the same line of thinking, approach, mission and vision. Margaretta and I are working together to transform the lives of people from all villages across India and through all castes using technology. We believe that women's financial inclusion is essential and will bring positive development in families and in society. We are working to improve healthcare, increase financial inclusion, empower women, improve the lives of children, and to improve education at all levels from primary through university. Margaretta and I are kindred spirits working together to create big improvements for all human beings.


Nic McKinley
Founder, DeliverFund and VERAFĪ.ai, Former CIA

Margaretta is a force multiplier who is willing to leverage her vast network to propel you forward. Her advice is timely and relevant, but it is her genuine heart to change the world that makes her stand out from the crowd. Margaretta is the perfect combination of investor, advisor, social change agent, and friend.


Barry Sardis
Chief Technology Explorer for the Senior Academy for Education at The Villages Golf and Country Club

I am Margaretta's primary contact for my 55+ community's Senior Academy for Education. My interest and activities in AgeTech led to our connection several years ago. Our residents were thrilled with Margaretta's lecture on longevity science in 2021 and we just had our second lecture in 2022 in what promises to be an annual event to enlighten us to the progress in this field of such importance to our community. We are so grateful to Margaretta for devoting some of her precious time to enlighten us. Everyone is amazed at her passion and her ability to make complex information understandable to a group of elderly lay people. Thanks Margaretta.


Mathias Goyen, Prof. Dr. med
Chief Medical Officer Europe at GE Healthcare

I thank Margaretta so much for her tremendous effort. Her daily summaries of COVID-19 research and review papers are a must-read for me. I am sure many of her followers appreciate her work as much as I do.

Amazing efforts by Margaretta in tracking data and research on the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers of all kinds are finding her posts full of information that is critical for life on earth post pandemic. The posts that she has shared from the time that COVID-19 first surfaced until now are TOP CLASS knowledge enriching posts. I can imagine the efforts she has taken to extract useful information and publish it while keeping readers of all kinds in mind. The words "thank you" are just not enough to acknowledge her for her efforts. We all are grateful to her. I will continue to read her posts until we have victory over COVID 19. Her mission is to serve humanity with her knowledge in all diverse fields so that well informed decisions are taken by individuals, researchers, hospitals, AI firms, pharma companies, and governments. Surely a Nobel Prize for outstanding efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic by an individual in action as a one woman army goes to... Margaretta Colangelo.


Anton Mozgovoy
Advisor, Jthereum

Margaretta and I have worked together and attended tech events together for several years. We've discussed everything from our interests, to the future, to the potential of the longevity and Blockchain spheres. A few years ago we attended a Crypto investor event together at Draper University and while the event was full of interesting people, the person who really shined to me was Margaretta. By the end of the day I felt like I'd known Margaretta forever. She is one of the smartest, most charming and welcoming people I’ve ever met. It's an honour to work toward a bright future together with Margaretta.


Sean Manion, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer, ConsenSys Health

When Margaretta and I met, we had both independently arrived at the conclusion that blockchain, AI/ML, and other emerging technologies could drastically reduce the 15-17 years it takes medical science to go “from bench to bedside,” putting new treatments into life-saving clinical practice. We discussed her myriad ventures and my new company Science Distributed. We spoke of blockchain and books, computers and cats. She invited me to her think tank. Next, we change the world.


Alex Fork
Founder & CEO, Humaniq & Future Fintech

Margaretta is a business fairy and an altogether wonderful human uniting the most incredible minds in the world. She's on the advisory board of my company and we have fantastic conversations about many things. I admire her intelligence, business acumen, perseverance and excellence in literally everything she does, and I am convinced that it stems from her love for her fellow humans. She is interested in finding a cure for aging and disease, and improving overall health using cutting edge technologies (blockchain, AI) - this is all very much in line with my thinking. She is an incredibly interesting and interested individual. I was stunned by the extensive collection of all the right books she owns which leaves no doubt of the above. By supporting, advising, mentoring, and propelling gifted and prodigious youth, she is forming the next generation right before our eyes. I am beyond excited and proud to be going down this path with Margaretta side by side.


Danko Nikolic, PhD
Head of AI, Savedroid AG

I am glad to share interests in AI with Margaretta. She is on the advisory board of my company Robots Go Mental. We collaborated on an article about the importance of small data in advancing AI which was published in MIT Technology Review Italia. She proposed that I join her think tank. Here I am. Gladly. I love her enthusiasm.


Emily Kennedy
President, Marinus Analytics

Margaretta is a champion for innovators and a pioneer in the tech startup sector. Her passion is infectious and her advice is golden. She serves on the Advisory Board of my company and I have the honor of collaborating with her to investigate and push the potential of AI to fight human trafficking online.


Vaughn Blake
Managing Director, Autochrome Ventures

Margaretta's tireless work ethic and extraordinary insight are only exceeded by her kindness and generosity. As an emerging fund manager, she's been absolutely essential to building my network and enabling a successful transition from operator to investor. Any founder would be privileged to have access to her counsel, and any investor can trust that her contribution to a company's success will go far beyond simply writing a check.


Andrey Golub, PhD
Co-Founder, ELSE Corp

Margaretta is an external advisor at my company ELSE Corp. She is helping us with our positioning and helping us improve the focus of our AI related strategy in the global context of cross-technology, cross-sector, cross-continent business ecosystem. Margaretta and I collaborated on an article about the importance of smal data in advancing AI which was published in MIT Technology Review Italia


Luis A. Gomez-Sarosi, PhD
Co-Founder, Nebula X Medical

Margaretta and I have great and energizing conversations. I love her enthusiasm. We live in exciting times where technology and data science can open unthinkable doors to cure diseases, improve quality of life, and help people live longer. The complexity of this enterprise requires the interaction of thinkers, innovators, and entrepreneurs. I love Margaretta's vision to make this possible by creating this think tank. My main motivation is to create tools for early cancer detection which significantly increase survival and also have a positive impact on patients already battling the disease. Margaretta and I have joined forces to make a big impact on patients - they are in urgent need of options and solutions.


Juan Sebastián Suárez Valencia, MD
Co-founder, Bress Healthcare

Margaretta is a trust catalyst between high impact oriented people. I’m looking forward to collaborating with her to bring about the future that we envision as soon as possible. Our work together will be around medical care, which is something that we both value deeply. The idea about the upcoming technological revolution in healthcare that we stand for is not about replacing doctors with machines, but about improving the therapeutic alliance between doctors and patients by helping doctors spend more time with patients and less time analyzing data.


Sam Fankuchen
Founder & CEO, Golden

Margaretta is on point. She is very sharp and capable of distilling issues to their core very quickly. She can immediately put founders in touch with the best person to talk to get what they need. She is very efficient, very technical, and very entrepreneur-friendly. She is the sort of person who could help any entrepreneur at virtually any step of their business, and be a good partner and sounding board.


Arielle Sandor
Co-Founder, Duma Works

I've really enjoyed working with Margaretta as an advisor. She brings a very fresh perspective and energy to your ideas that you can't help but be inspired by. She connects people effortlessly and genuinely. She is also the guru I turn to for social media and content strategy advice. Margaretta is quick to respond and quicker to help!


Slava Chupryna
Co-founder, Ugly Juice

Margaretta has helped me and many others to connect with great people in her network. Thanks to Margaretta, I was able to start a career in my preferred field, establish meaningful connections with CEOs and founders, and receive valuable advice. Margaretta is an extremely helpful and passionate person and I encourage people to collaborate with her.


Stefan Doering
Founder & Managing Partner, Shift Group

Margaretta is an entrepreneur’s entrepreneur. She knows first hand the trials and tribulations of launching a business in today’s environment. She has become my ‘go-to’ confidant and mentor. Margaretta has been exceedingly helpful with her ideas and feedback with helping us launch Shift Group. Her energy, passion for entrepreneurship and unflagging get-it-done approach is exactly what every startup needs. If you have the opportunity to work with Margaretta, consider yourself incredibly fortunate. I can't imagine not working with her on my team!


Ato Bentsi-Enchill
Co-Founder, RevisionPrep

Margaretta is the kind of person you’d want in your corner. She is very high energy and knowledgeable about everything tech-related. She offers introductions to key people to help every one of us reach our potential. She's a great advisor who is helping entrepreneurs tackle the most salient issues affecting the world today.


Nkatha Gitonga
Co-founder, Yakutti

I am incredibly honored to be working with Margaretta. Margaretta believes in us and understands our vision for Yakutti. Her optimism, enthusiasm and her ideas are inspiring, as is her genuine warmth. You couldn’t find a more committed advisor.


Kevin K. Ross-Andino
President, éClat Law

Margaretta is a high-energy and driven individual, the perfect personality to lead a major organization or spearhead the startup of a sophisticated business venture. Her creativity and innovation are of the ilk necessary to transform the mundane into the successful, especially in the area of marketing one's business or business concepts. I highly recommend that you consider collaborating with her on any project for which you expect to achieve success.

Margaretta is a true star, the rare talent who simply gets it. Her instincts for business in general and emerging trends and technology in particular set her apart and make her invaluable as a partner and advisor. From an investment standpoint, she also goes beyond simply cutting a check and waiting for something to happen. If she invests in your company, she believes in it and will passionately work just as hard as you do to make it succeed. Margaretta, simply put, is one of the good ones. I highly, highly recommend collaborating with her!


Mbula Nzuki
Co-Founder, Yakutti

Margaretta has been, and continues to be, a great advisor to us at Yakutti. Her invaluable power of networking and mentoring has indeed been of great use to our startup as both an advisor and a mentor. She inspires teams by simply demonstrating the invaluable importance of being a visionary team player. We look forward to rising to greater heights at Yakutti with her and would definitely recommend her to any start up team looking to walk the distance and make a difference.


Meg Moss Guegan
Director of Development Communications, Cato Institute

Margaretta is that extremely rare kindred spirit who has the ability to see invisible connections between networks of all kinds and realize incredible potential not previously imagined. Working with her always inspires me to think a few steps beyond what is possible. Her passion for life and positive energy are endlessly abundant - and completely contagious!


Trip Tate
Co-founder, Alumnifire

Margaretta has been wonderful to work with. She has endless energy and passion for startups and technology, and is always willing to brainstorm new ideas. She’s creative, well-networked, and proactive about connecting people in her network who can help each other. She always over-delivers on her promises, and her feedback and advice is always spot-on. In short, she’s a great person and a tremendously valuable resource for entrepreneurs.


Anthony Blake
President, Anthony Blake LLC

Over the course of my career, I have met many people from the corporate sector, but none with the passion to assist others like Margaretta. As a leader and long-time mentor, I understand the importance of working with a good mentor and I am extremely grateful to have Margaretta as one. She is a great listener and has helped me tremendously. I appreciate the time that Margaretta has given to me as I grow my business.There's nothing like having a mentor who understands where you came from, and where you're going. I have learned so much from Margaretta, and she has helped me to sharpen my focus. She has my full endorsement and thanks.


Torkel Patterson
Member of the Board, Central Japan Railway

Margaretta has tremendous energy and a love for life and people that she translates into effective results. She operates at full speed all the time and is as adept with people as she is with cutting edge technology. Margaretta moves organizations to reach their potential and has the experience and the network necessary to achieve organizational goals and manage a complex organization.


Rodger Kobayashi
Phantom Cyber Corporation

Margaretta and I worked together at Open Horizon for a number of years. Open Horizon was a startup in its early stages and Margaretta played a key role in all aspects of the company. Not only was she enjoyable to work with, but her decision making and overall understanding of the entire company was invaluable to the team at Open Horizon. All early stage companies need someone like Margaretta to help keep the team organized, focused and moving in the right direction.


Robert Newton
Maritime Domain Awareness, CSCI

Margaretta is the best combination of energy, intelligence and enthusiasm that I have ever had the pleasure to work with. She is as comfortable in fast paced and often high risk commercial application development cycles as she is patient and thorough in the rigorous and often laborious military software development cycles. She understands people, process and product. Whenever there is an opportunity to collaborate with Margaretta,I jump at it because I know she will keep morale high and never let me down.


Keshav Tirumurti
Software Engineer

Margaretta and I connected over a mutual interest AI in health. She is insightful and forward thinking, and I'm grateful to be part of a think tank where I can learn from amazing individuals from different disciplines.


Jameel Mohammed
Founder & CEO, KHIRY

When I was a student at Phillips Exeter Academy, I reached out to Margaretta for help securing an internship at fashion company Narciso Rodriguez. I loved to design, but I had no idea how to break into the fashion industry, especially while still in high school. Thanks to Margaretta's help, I was able to secure an internship at Narciso Rodriguez, which led to many amazing opportunities and really solidified my desire to work in the industry. Since then, I've even launched my own company, all stemming from the support I received from Margaretta. Margaretta is the Empress of all things Tech.


Michael Shao

Margaretta is a deeply driven person who has a strong and powerful vision of the future. I enjoy having very thought provoking and well informed discussions with her about shared similar interests ranging from AI to blockchain systems to just about anything that sparks conversation. Margaretta brings right minded people together and provides them with superb expertise and advice. I am eager to work together with her and with everyone else in her ecosystem in the future.

Margaretta is a lover of learning. I have the pleasure of knowing her and discussing our shared interests in entrepreneurship, venture capital, and simply expanding one's mind through being comfortable enough to discuss ideas with others. I am lucky to have met Margaretta so early in my career so that together we can be at the forefront of advances in technology that will help people around the world.


Sid Kasat

Margaretta's knowledge of technology ranging from AI to Blockchain is comprehensive and can be clearly seen through the startups she is involved with. As a entrepreneur who has worked in the industry for a long time, she is a great role model and inspiration to students. Margaretta and I are blockchain advocates who believe in the power of decentralization. I founded Blockchain at UCI as an ecosystem for blockchain education, development and networking. We organize workshops, seminars, hackathons, and networking events to facilitate the growth of blockchain awareness and technical understanding. Our mission is to bring together blockchain leaders and help accelerate blockchain technology.


Tyson Stinson
Undergraduate, Columbia University

Margaretta and I bonded over a shared interest in artificial intelligence and transhumanism. We're interested in elevating the human condition through the use of technology whether that be augmenting our anatomy, advancing the way we conduct research, or redefining our society as a whole. Margaretta is progressive in the way that she thinks about technology and how it could shape the future, and she is taking an active role in making sure it does so in a way that benefits humanity as a whole. This is why I am proud to be a part of her think tank and I look forward to working with her as we try to upgrade humanity!


Jack Duryea

Margaretta and I met over a shared passion for reading and writing articles about emerging technologies. She invited me to have a video conference with her, and I felt we bonded quickly over a shared interest in reading books - she has great recommendations! Margaretta is so easy to talk to and is full of life. Not only is she smart, but also kind and funny. I can tell she has a real passion for technologies that can benefit humanity.


Kendrick Tan

Margaretta is a strong believer in the future of the human race. I had the pleasure of meeting her through our shared interests for AI, VR, and philosophy. Her progressive beliefs, which I share, reveal her unwavering passion to extend the technological limits of our world. Her energy and optimism are infectious, and her kindness inspires me to learn more about the many things we discuss. I am very impressed by the existence of her network of passionate individuals, and look forward to working with members of her ecosystem.